
User Guide

1. Introduction

Duke is for those who prefer to use a desktop app for managing their tasks and events. More importantly, Duke is optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Duke can help keep track and organise your tasks and events faster than a traditional GUI application!

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer
  2. Download the latest duke-0.1.3.jar here
  3. Copy the jar file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Duke Task Manager
  4. Double click the jar file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

Image of GUI

  1. Type your commands in the command box and press Enter to execute it.

3. Features

Command Format

3.1. Display all Tasks: list

Lists all current tasks and events Format: list

3.2. Display, but sorted alphabetically: listname

Lists all current tasks and events sorted alphabetically Format: listname

3.3. Display, but sorted alphabetically: listdate

Lists all current tasks and events sorted according to date Format: listdate

3.4. Add a ToDo task: todo

Adds a task without a deadline Format: todo DESCRIPTION


3.5. Add a Deadline task: deadline

Adds a task with a deadline at the specified yyyy-mmdd Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /yyyy-mm-dd


3.6. Add an Event: event

Adds an event at a specified date and time Format: event DESCRIPTION /yyyy-mm-dd


3.7. Mark a Task as done: done

Marks a task at INDEX as done Format: done INDEX


3.8. Delete a Task: delete

Deletes a task with index INDEX Format: delete INDEX


3.9. Find all Tasks with a keyword: find

Finds all Tasks that contains the keyword WORD Format: find WORD


3.10. Exit the application: bye

Exits the application Format: bye

4. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer? A: Your data will be stored in a file called database.txt in your home folder (the same folder that stores the duke-0.1.3.jar file). Simply transfer the entire folder to another Computer to ensure your data in preserved!

5. Command Summary